Holy Fire® Reiki

What is Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki?

Reiki is an energy balancing modality that induces a state of peace and joy in the body, mind and spirit. It is deeply relaxing. Reiki focuses on the levels of being, from the subtler levels of being such as emotional and spiritual aspects to the physical body. Reiki is pure love without conditions from Source.

Holy Fire® Reiki is an evolution of Reiki that allows a more direct connection with Source.

As one progresses along the path of Reiki and Holy Fire®, through getting placements, experiences, ignitions, treatments and incorporating the philosophy of Reiki in their daily life, a deeper unfolding comes forth: that it reveals itself as a way of connecting to one’s authentic self, that one realizes that they are already whole, perfect and complete.


Benefits of Usui Holy Fire® Reiki

  • Accelerate the natural self healing process
  • Enhance the meditative state
  • Deeply relax to reduce stress and anxiety
  • Sooth emotional distress
  • Find relief from physical pain and discomfort
  • Balance the body’s natural energy (chakras)
  • Heal yourself and heal others
  • Establishes a direct connection to the Source of Infinite Love


What does the word “Reiki” mean?

The etymology of the word “Reiki” derives from the combination of the Japanese Kanji characters rei and ki. Rei translates to “spirit, miraculous, divine” and ki means “gas, vital energy, breath of life, consciousness.” Thus, the joining of rei and ki means “Universal Life Force Energy.”


Difference Between a Reiki Treatment and a Placement and Ignition

A Reiki treatment is similar to a massage, except rather than using physical touch, the practitioner directs their hands to where the energy is needed, whether by following their intuition, the client’s requests or following the traditional Reiki hand positions. Treatments can also be given from a distance, especially in these times of coronovirus and social isolating. Their hands can either be lightly touching the client, or hovering a few inches above. Treatments can also be given from a distance, especially in these times of coronovirus and social distancing.  It is different for each treatment, but the energy lasts for approximately two to three days and even a week or longer.

A placement is a process in which the Reiki energy is sealed into the student’s body by an Holy Fire® Reiki Master Teacher, who has taken to all levels of the Usui Holy Fire® Reiki system. After the placement, the student will have a direct connection to the Reiki energy that they can access at any time. This is the same function and purpose as an “attunement” but the teacher is not within the student’s auric field.


History of Reiki and Holy Fire® Reiki

Reiki was discovered by Dr. Maikao Usui of Japan in the 1920s. Dr. Usui was born August 15, 1865 near present day Nagoya, Japan. He was a Buddhist Monk. Around 1920, as the legend goes, he was in a bit of an existential crisis, pondering upon the meaning of life and went to the top of a mountain in Japan to meditate and fast. After 21 days of sitting in silence and not eating, he had a moment of enlightenment where he received an infusion of the Reiki energy from Source. At the time, he knew he was receiving something profound but he didn’t know what it was. As he walked down the mountain, he stubbed and hurt his toe, and realized that Reiki could be used for healing his hurt toe as well as a deeply spiritual practice.

Holy Fire® Reiki is an evolution of Usui Reiki brought to this plane by William Lee Rand of the International Center for Reiki Training.


Spirituality of Reiki

Reiki is not a religion, yet it is a spirituality that honors the life force within all things. Dr. Usui established five principles on how to create a peaceful life. These principles do not require a knowledge of Reiki to be effective. He developed these ideals upon the belief that our spiritual, emotional and physical health begins when we take responsibility for our own well-being.


Reiki Principles

  • Just for today, I will not worry
  • Just for today, I will let go of anger
  • Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings
  • Just for today, I will do my work honestly
  • Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbors and every living thing
