Chicago Summer Sun
Hi all! Jerry here. I have an announcement that will affect all of the Reiki classes I will teach from here on out. I was introduced to Reiki via the Usui tradition 2010 that was given to Dr. Usui in the 1920s and I have been teaching this style since 2013. My time with Reiki has been incredibly transformative, I have come to a place of beautiful peace, joy, and balance in my life as well as having minor health issues clear up (I can’t complain about my chronic adult acne disappearing a month after my first attunements at 35, something that I struggled with since my early 20s. I mean seriously, how embarrassing it is to be dealing with pimples when I was also dealing with the start of wrinkles!? And such an unexpected side effect of it being gone!)
In mid-May, I will be traveling to Glastonbury, the land of the King Arthur and Merlin myths, with a side trip to ancient Stonehenge in England to learn a new form of Reiki that has evolved out of the Usui tradition called Holy Fire. From here on out, the Reiki classes I will teach will be in the “Usui Holy Fire II” tradition.
While I have been hearing about Holy Fire Reiki for a few years, it really wasn’t something that was on my radar. I had learned all I needed to about Reiki. Heck, I teach it, why add more to a something that has been so amazing for me as well as those I’ve taught over the years?! However, I will say that I’ve been experiencing an extreme restlessness that there’s something more that I should be doing, but I wasn’t sure what it was. Should I take another yoga teacher training? Should I study another complimentary healing modality such as acupuncture or massage? Or should I do a more structured and mainstream healing modality by returning back to school to finish my masters in Social Work? While all these ideas and more sounded great, it just didn’t feel “right” and fully in line with my life’s purpose.
And throughout all this restlessness, my Reiki practice, both with myself and on my students and clients, was subtly and intuitively evolving in ways different than how I was taught. I found that sitting next to the client and meditating with Reiki flowing was far more powerful than if I had put my hands on them, among other techniques that felt like a higher, more loving, finer and yet more powerful vibration of Reiki. However I didn’t know how to incorporate this with the traditional form of Reiki that I taught.
I experienced Holy Fire last fall in Sedona at the Reiki Retreat, curious but not really expecting anything out of the ordinary. But HOLY MOLY (no pun intended), I realized that Holy Fire has been what I’ve been sensing the last few years. Once I decided to be initiated into Holy Fire Reiki, the restlessness and hunger for something more immediately disappeared. Normally I would still be restless until I got Holy Fire Reiki and made plans to immediately sign up for the next available class in San Diego the next month in October. However, as we all know, there’s a thing called “life” that has it’s own time schedule and plan for us, such as my father passing away a week after the retreat and my mother being diagnosed with lung cancer a few months later. (Or “We make plans and God laughs”.) Normally, I’d be impatient and chomping at the bit to just get the Holy Fire into my Reiki arsenal, but there was this deep sense of calm and peace that Holy Fire was my path and it would happen in its own time and space.
What?! That is totally not me. Once I know I want to do something, I want it RIGHT NOW and I’m antsy until it happens. And yet it has been nearly 9 months since I decided that I’d go Holy Fire and I know that there is no hurry, no rush, that it’s unfolding just as it should.
Without further ado, if you are interested in learning about Holy Fire Reiki, please read on here.
Much love and light to you and your loved ones,
Jerry 🙂