Chicago Reiki: Guided Self Reiki Session on “I Love Myself”
Watch Guided Self Reiki Session on “I Love Myself”
Please join me on YouTube as we go through a Reiki session with hand positions focusing on self-love and the mantra “I love myself deeply and completely.” This is deeply important to me and part of my journey this summer and fall, focusing on an inner journey to self-love.
I have come to realize that of love in all its forms, self-love is so important because the more I love myself, the more I am able to bring happiness, joy and peace to myself, as well as share that with others and that in turn radiates out to the entire Universe. Many of you are like me, in the healing profession or caretaking of loved ones, it’s easy to put others first and before you know it, you’ve given away almost all of your energy and you’ve forgotten about you. So these past few months have been actively working on filling my own well with self-love through Reiki, meditation, positive affirmations, solo camping and hiking trips into nature, art. How do you fill your well? I’d love to hear how you do your own version of self-love!
Remember, you are awesome!