My Reiki Story: Jennifer D.

Hi! Jerry here. Please welcome Jennifer D., a lovely soul, as she shares her Reiki story. 

My Reiki Story: Jennifer D. 

A year ago I had no idea what Reiki was or that it would be a major influence in re-connecting with my spiritual side. In the past year, or perhaps the last two years, I have been a journey of immense personal and, more recently, spiritual growth.

My Reiki Life: Jen G.

My Reiki Life by Jen Gerenraich

A couple years ago, I was going through a really tough time in my life. My business took a massive nose dive south and I didn’t really know what to do with myself. I went into a bit of a depression and I was trying to find my “true self.” I know everything happens for a reason and I have been a dedicated meditation practitioner for many years but, I couldn’t shake this funk I was in. I started to look inside myself and really ask “what gives me joy? What do I really want to do for the rest of my life?”