Do You Have to Take a Class to Do Reiki?
I was recently in a class with Colleen Benelli and she shared something that I thought was very profound about Reiki as an energy…
I was recently in a class with Colleen Benelli and she shared something that I thought was very profound about Reiki as an energy…
Within the history of Reiki there are 3 teachers that I owe a wealth of gratitude towards, for without them I wouldn’t have the wonderful presence of Reiki in my life.
This past weekend, I taught the first 2 levels of Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki online over Zoom. I had the pleasure of introducing Reiki to two wonderful people. Despite coming from different backgrounds, they shared so many similarities.
Mikao Usui is also referred to as Usui Sensei. Sensei is a term of respect and means “teacher” in Japanese. He is also referred to in some places as “Dr. Usui,” but I want to note that he was not a medical doctor.
I was first introduced to the Reiki Ideals when I first started seeing a Reiki healer and shaman in the city of Chicago in 2010. During my first session, he gave me a notecard with Ho’Oponopono handwritten on it.
The First Chakra within the physical body is the root chakra. The Sanskrit is Muladara, which translates to “root support.” The image of this chakra is symbolized by a red square (stable) with a downward pointing triangle (the flow of the energy is downward).