A space for Jerry’s musings about Reiki, yoga, veganism, spirituality, and the adventures of life in general. Look here for guest posts from her students about their experiences with Reiki.
The Flowers of Glastonbury
Glastonbury is a town in SW England and it lies along the famed St. Michael Alignment, a ley line that runs through southern England. It is supposedly the location of Camelot of ancient England…
This Week Only: Tuesday Reiki Circle
For this week only, the weekly online Reiki Circle that is typically on Mondays will be on Tuesday May 18th, 2021. Benefits of a Reiki Circle…
Do You Have to Take a Class to Do Reiki?
I was recently in a class with Colleen Benelli and she shared something that I thought was very profound about Reiki as an energy…
Reiki Lineage: Dr. Hayashi
Within the history of Reiki there are 3 teachers that I owe a wealth of gratitude towards, for without them I wouldn’t have the wonderful presence of Reiki in my life.
Labradorite: The Stone of Intuition
Labradorite is one of my favorite stones. It comes in shades of grey and dark blue, similar to the vastness of the night sky and often has iridescence of blues…
Reiki Meditation: New Moon in Taurus
The power of the new moon lies in her shadow. It is in this darkness, the gift of the alignment of the earth, sun and moon, that we have a moment to be still, to embrace the potential of what is yet to come for this lunar cycle.
May 2021 Reiki 1&2 Immersion
For the last weekend in May, please join me for a chance to receive the light of Reiki in the Reiki Immersion Weekend at Ahimsa Yoga. There are so many wonderful benefits of taking a Level 1&2 Reiki class.
Holy Fire® Reiki vs. Usui Reiki?
Holy Fire® Reiki was introduced by William Lee Rand through his spiritual guides and advisors in 2014 as a more gentle and more powerful expansion of the Usui Reiki energies.
Quan Yin: Bodhisattva of Compassion
Quan Yin (also Kwan Yin) is a Bodhisattva (Buddhist Goddess) and Ascended Master whose name translates to “she who hears the cries of the world.” As the legend goes, she became an Ascended Master when she had completed her purpose on earth.
What is the Aura?
In my Reiki meditations, I often bring awareness to the aura, which is an important part of understanding who you are and your orientation in the world.
Millions of Trilliums
This past weekend’s amazing weather of warmth and lots of sunshine lead to a long walk/hike with some good friends in Ryerson Woods, just north of Chicago. It felt more like June or July than the typical chill of early May!
Reiki Circle Testimonial: Nico
Nico is a regular attendee of the Monday night Reiki Circles. Not only does she come to give and receive Reiki, she is also a professional Reiki healer. Please read on for her words about the weekly Reiki Circles and maybe you will join us soon!